The Cumberland Group has over 400 participants across NSW from both private and public practice. Our core services and role includes:
  • Host of the Annual Development Seminar
  • Regular CPD events, opportunities to participate and keep up-to-date
  • Committed to advancing the professional skills and knowledge of surveyors through quality speakers and relevant information
The Committee:
  • Adherence to the ISA code of ethics
  • More than 38 years experience as an active group in surveying
  • Keen supporter of University awareness campaigns to promote the profession to up and coming young surveyors
  • Provides a united voice on issues such as legislative change to the regulators
  • Promotes active participation on industry matters such as SSC at our regular meetings
  • A known and respected regional group

Download Keith Cadogan's Cumberland Group History - 1963 to 1998 PDF

Chairman:Royston Lowe

Director, Lovegrove Oxley Consultants
Email: chairman (at) PO Box 483, Blacktown 2148
Secretary: Adrian Barden
Bowdens Group
Email: xabarden (at) PO Box 483, Blacktown 2148
Treasurer: Gerard Junek
Director, Junek & Junek
Email: gerard (at) PO Box 21, Haberfield 2045
Divisional Rep: Mark Gordon
Chief Surveyor, RTA
Email: Mark_Gordon (at) PO Box 3035, Parramatta 2124
Committee: Keith Cadogan
Chairman, Seniors Group
Email: kbcadogan (at)
Committee: Barry Yardley
Email: sixyards (at)
Committee: Andrew Edwards
McKinlay Morgan & Associates
Email: mckinlay (at)
Committee: John Caddey
Director, Caddey Surveyors Pty Ltd
Email: caddeysurv (at)
  Committee: Steve Gollan
Gollan & Associates
Email: gollans (at)

Please note:


These email links have been modified to reduce the incidence of automated SPAM sent to our committee.



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