Cumberland Group Development Seminar 2002

Friday 28th June 2002 at the Sunnybrook Hotel & Convention Centre, 355 Hume Hwy, Warwick Farm at 8:00am

See the latest equipment, hardware & software from leading firms on display and demonstrated. Click here for more information.

Click here for booking form.

For photos from last year's Development Seminar, click here. CPD points assessed at 2 Cadastral, 4 Survey Practice, & 2 General points.

Proudly sponsored by Legalco - - Major Sponsor

Opening Address by the Deputy Premier of NSW -

Hon Dr Andrew Refshauge, Minister for Planning, Housing & Aboriginal Affairs

SESSION ONE   Innovations in Planning - Chaired by Michael Parkinson
First Speaker "iPlan" - Tony Hart, Director of Planning Information Development, Planning NSW
iPlan is the state-wide framework for electronic planning information and services. iPlan will allow surveyors and other property professionals to quickly find all planning policies affecting individual land parcels, local areas, regions, and the entire state. Surveyors will also be able to electronically lodge development applications for any parcel of land in NSW. Current projects within iPlan include PlanConnect (a portal that enables users to select and overlay planning information and policies from a range of sources), DA online (enables development applications to be lodged electronically with Planning NSW and participating local councils), Industrylands online, Businesslands online, SPLASH (Strategic Planning Link-up Around Sydney Harbour), and PlanView.
Second Speaker "Planning NSW's new Metropolitan Development Program" - Evan Jones, Director of Sydney Strategy, Planning NSW
Evan Jones, Planning NSW's new Director of Sydney Strategy, will be speaking on Planning NSW's new Metropolitan Development Program - future land releases and the impact of development constraints. We have all read about the huge land releases proposed for Western Sydney - will development constraints limit these releases? This dynamic man has recently arrived from running Western Australia's planning system and is someone to watch - he is sure to have a big impact on our system here.
Third Speaker   "Case Studies - Warringah Council's new LEP under Plan First - how the new system is working" - David Kerr, Manager Strategic Land Use Planning, Warringah Council
David Kerr, Manager Strategic Land Use Planning, Warringah Council, will give an insight into the development of their recent LEP, prepared under the new Plan First system, described by Dr Refshauge at last years' seminar. David will discuss the benefits of this new scheme, and cover difficulties and procedures in making amendments to the plan.
Question Time Your opportunity to put questions to the speakers in this session. To be included in conference papers.
Morning Tea - fresh quality danish pastries, baked cookies, percolated coffee & tea.
SESSION TWO "Changes to Planning Controls in the aftermath of the Bushfires" - Chaired by Mark Gordon
First Speaker "Planning for Bushfire Prevention - analysis of the new guidelines" - Kerry Bedford, Director, State & Regional Planning, Planning NSW.
Planning for Bushfire Prevention - an analysis of the new guidelines will be given by Kerry Bedford, Director of State & Regional Planning at Planning NSW. Kerry will be well known to those who have attended previous seminars. Kerry is an excellent presenter and has been closely involved with the preparation of the bushfire guidelines. Changes have been implemented to the approval of subdivisions in fire hazard areas - this topic is not to be missed.
Second Speaker "The new Rural Fires and Environmental Assessment Legislation Amendment Bill" - Grahame Douglas, Manager of Planning & Environment Services, Rural Fire Service.
Find out about this important piece of legislation that will impact upon everyone. The Rural Fires & Environmental Assessment Legislation Amendment Bill is currently being presented to the NSW parliament, and is likely to be approved & gazetted shortly. This Bill will introduce an Integrated Development requirement for all subdivisions in both urban and rural areas that may be identified as bushfire prone. All developments will need to comply with "Planning for Bushfire Prevention" or be referred to the Commissioner if they cannot comply.
Third Speaker   "The experiences of the fire affected Councils & the impact on new DAs" - Brian Crane from Blue Mtns City Council will be discussing case studies & commenting on Council's experiences & views. Footage of the December fires impacting upon a cul-de-sac in a new subdivision with 17m setbacks will be shown.
Question Time Your opportunity to put questions to the speakers in this session. To be included in conference papers.
LUNCH - A high quality gourmet buffet luncheon has been arranged - hot honey cured roast leg ham carved off the bone, hot roast beef carved off the bone, char-grilled Cajun marinated chicken pieces in whisky cream, braised fillet tips in paprika & red wine sauce, steamed jasmine rice, hot baked potatoes & seasonal vegetables, Caesar Salad, green salads, tabouli salad, potato salad, fresh coleslaw, cold cuts of selected meats, cheese & dried fruit board, selection of quality cakes including chocolate mud cake, orange & poppyseed cake, carrotcake, chantilly cream, fresh seasonal fruit salad, chocolate bars, percolated coffee, tea, orange juice and soft drinks.
SESSION 3 "Subdivision & New Estate Development Issues " - Chaired by Adrian Barden.
First Speaker "Sustainable Development & Subdivision" - Grant Calvin, Collins Walshe & Fitzsimmons, Engineers & Surveyors.
Solar access in subdivision design and sustainable development principles - a practical insight into the latest innovations in subdivision design will be covered by Grant Calvin, a registered surveyor from Collins, Walshe & Fitzsimmons in Taree. Grant is a specialist in Passive Solar Design and Permaculture, and follows the success of his excellent presentation to the APAS conference with this interesting topic that surveyors, engineers, Council officers & property professionals will continue to hear more about.
Second Speaker "The HIA's Model DCP Project - streamlining planning & subdivision controls" - Wayne Gersbach, Housing Industry Authority Executive Director.
The Housing Industry Association's Model DCP Project - Wayne Gersbach, HIA assistant director, has been closely involved with the development industry for many years, through private industry, local government and now the HIA. Wayne is driving the Model DCP project, an initiative by HIA to streamline the many conflicting requirements by councils by devising a Development Control Plan that will simplify compliance of developments.
Third Speaker "Urban Salinity in Western Sydney & regional NSW - the latest development constraint & its potential impact on the announced land releases" - Rebecca Nicolson, Project Officer - Salinity, WSROC.
Urban Salinity in Western Sydney & regional NSW - the latest development constraint & its potential impact on the announced land releases. Rebecca Nicolson is an excellent presenter and is the Project Officer for Salinity at WSROC, the Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils. Urban Salinity is the latest constraint affecting development and has the potential to severely impact on the availability of new land for release in western Sydney & regional NSW. This issue will directly affect surveyors and their clients in the near future, particularly where land subdivision and the construction of roads and residences is involved. Councils will need to be on top of this issue to minimise liability, and developers can expect more compliance issues to resolve. Rebecca will provide all the latest information on a topic that surveyors will be certain to hear more about in the future.
Question Time Your opportunity to put questions to the speakers in this session. To be included in conference papers.
Afternoon Tea - fresh quality danish pastries, baked cookies, fresh lamingtons, percolated coffee & tea.
SESSION 4 "LPI Update " - Chaired by Keith Cadogan.
First Speaker "Changes to the Board of Surveyors" - Mr Paul Harcombe, Chief Surveyor, LPI. Find out about the coming changes to the Board.
Second Speaker "The Surveyors Practice Regulation" - Les Gardner , LPI-NSW.
An overview and insight into the Surveyors (Practice) Regulation 2001 - Les Gardner from DITM will cover all the changes to this important piece of legislation governing survey practice and the marking of surveys.
Second Speaker "An overview of Old System Land Surveys, adverse possession & possessory title, & some informative case studies" - Tony Swallow, LPI-NSW.
Tony Swallow, senior plan examiner at LPI-NSW is an expert in Old System land surveys and will cover all the requirements LPI has for primary applications, and unusual circumstances that may be encountered by surveyors. Interesting case studies will be featured, and Tony will also provide a background view of the processes governing conversion of Old System title to Torrens title land including current proof of ownership requirements and adjoining property owner notification requirements.
Third Speaker "LPI update" - Senior officer, LPI-NSW.
The final topic of the day will be a comprehensive update of all the changes that have taken place at LPI over the past year, including all changes that will affect surveyors.
Question Time Your opportunity to put questions to the speakers in this session. To be included in conference papers.
Closing Address by Michael Parkinson, Cumberland Group Chairman.
HAPPY HOUR - right after the conference in Lobby A, a free selection of Australian beers, wines, fresh orange juice, soft drinks, and nibblies. Catch up with old friends, and relax with an ice cold beer.


With special guest speaker, Chief Justice Barry O'Keefe. Download Flyer - click here

Mr Justice Barry O'Keefe AM QC serves as Chief Judge in the Supreme Court of NSW. Justice O'Keefe is president of the National Trust (NSW) and has a strong interest in the arts and the natural environment. For ten years he held the position of Mayor of
Mosman and in 1994 he was appointed as Commissioner of the Independent Commission Against Corruption.

He was also commissioner of ICAC from 14 November 1994 to 13 November 1999.

Click here for links to conference papers, & photo galleries from the 2000 & 2001 Development Seminars.

Held at the Sunnybrook Hotel & Convention Centre, 355 Hume Highway, (cnr Liverpool St) Warwick Farm 2170.

See photos of the Sunnybrook & rooms & facilities at