Cumberland Group Meeting - Wednesday 16th October 2002

Parramatta Leagues Club

Online Booking Form

See meeting details below. Special subsidised price thanks to Legalco - we want you there in numbers to vote on some of the most critical issues to affect the Institution for years - three votes - the SSI proposal, whether you support IS-NSW withdrawing from ISA, & a formal vote on whether the Cumberland Group should become an incorporated association cooperating with IS-NSW to protect itself from the SSI merger.

Put your views up on the Cumberland Group's Discussion Board. See what other surveyors are saying.


Please fill in all fields to book:

First Name
Last Name
Work Phone

Please choose one of the following meeting options:

Meeting Only - $10 (+ $5 annual membership for non-members). Meeting commences 7:30pm & concludes 10pm.

If you do not receive separate emailed confirmation within two working days YOU HAVE NOT BEEN BOOKED IN - please fax your details.

If you book on behalf of others, please let them know they must pay our treasurer Gerard Junek by cash or cheque prior to the commencement of the meeting.  

Cancellations must be made prior to 3 pm Monday 14th October otherwise payment of $35 will be invoiced, as the Cumberland Group will be charged by the Club.


Proudly sponsored by Legalco –

Invites you to our next informative group meeting:

Avoiding Problems with Easements & 88B Instruments

David Norris, Plan & Title Advisor, LPI, will speak on:

§        How to frame 88Bs to avoid some of the traps for the unwary

§        The types of problems (minor to serious) encountered with 88Bs lodged

§        Problems that may arise from some 88Bs that become registered

§        Best practice when creating easements where overhangs are involved

§        Creating easements where encroachments by existing structures on the easement site are a problem

§        Stratum easements

§        Defining complex easement sites on plans - Best practice

Commencing at 7:30pm - Discussion & votes on three critical issues

§        On 2 December 2002 all members of the 5 participating organisations will have the opportunity to vote for the creation of the Spatial Sciences Institute. In this ballot posted to you by the SSI you will be asked to answer the following question:

Do you agree that the national institute/institution/association to which you
belong (ISA / MSIA / IEMSA / RSPAA / AURISA) should wind up and transfer its
members and assets to the new institute?

Terry Watkinson, Past IS-NSW President, NSW representative to SSI , & Federal Councillor from NSW Division of ISA

Bob Harrison, President of IS-NSW

Phil Hayward, President of ISA, representing ISA's view

Will be speaking at this meeting to give you all the facts.

At the meeting we will be asking for a show of hands to gauge members support for the winding up of ISA & IS-NSW, transfer of assets & creation of SSI.

Note that there will be no more opportunites "for more information". What is now available is it. On the 2nd December will be the final vote. The votes close by 31 December. You may be returning from holidays to find the Institution of Surveyors is no more.

Download documents on the SSI proposal in pdf format

Read Terry Watkinson's letter to the Cumberland Group

Read Cumberland Group Chairman Michael Parkinson's view

Visit the SSI website

View comments on the SSI proposal & make your own on the Cumberland Group's Discussion Board

Second vote: Should IS-NSW withdraw from ISA?

At the last vote to the general question "Should we amalgamate" only 353 replied, and 266 members said 'Yes'. This represents a very small proportion of members. If there is a similar vote to the final proposal in December the merger will go ahead.

The Division Committee has given the SSI proposals a great deal of consideration and is leaning towards splitting from ISA. We seek your views on this issue.

Third vote: Should the Cumberland Group committee be given the authority to apply to become an incorporated association to protect itself from the SSI proposal, if the winding up of the Institution becomes inevitable?

When: 6:00 PM for 6:15 PM Dinner/Meeting

Where: Parramatta Leagues Club

             15 O'Connell Street, Parramatta (Cnr Grose St)

             upstairs in the Wentworth Room I – see map

 Cost: Special subsidised price thanks to Legalco $15 including GST (for high quality 3 Course Hot Roast Dinner and meeting) If not paying by cheque, please help by bringing the correct amount

        $10 including GST for Meeting Only (Meeting commences approx 7:30pm and concludes at 10:00pm)

Annual Cumberland Group Membership is due for those who didn't join at the February, April, or August meetings – $5, alternatively pay non-members surcharge of $5 - only if you haven't paid this fee previously this year.

Free membership and dinner/meeting for current UNSW surveying students – booking essential

  Preliminary CPD Points assessment - 2 Cadastral + 1 General Points

Bookings required by 3 PM Friday 11th October 2002 – Please Book Early

The Club must have numbers by Friday, & spaces are limited

 Help us to save time by Booking Online

Alternatively, send a fax to 9622-9116 with the following details:

Name, Company, Phone, Fax, Email, and whether booking is for dinner or meeting only.

  Please Note: Payment must be made on the night.

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