Cumberland Group Meeting - Wednesday 10th April

Parramatta Masonic Club


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PI Insurance and Risk Management for Surveyors - latest information.

Ian Marler , Chairman & Managing Director of ACSIS Ltd, and Jonathan Upton, Director of Indemnity Corporation, insurance brokers for the ACSIS scheme, will speak on:

§        How to manage your practice/work to avoid or minimise claims

§        What types of problems & errors have been leading to recent claims

§        Where there is a dispute or claim, how best to manage payment of your fees

§        Potential problems using subcontractors/subconsultants

§        How to handle claims

§        Pitfalls to avoid

§        How best to determine the level of cover necessary

§        The impact of September 11 and the HIH collapse on PI insurance in NSW


Date:   Wednesday 10th April

When: 6:00 PM for 6:15 PM Dinner/Meeting

Where: Masonic Club Parramatta

             163 George Street, Parramatta (Cnr Purchase St)

             in the Quarry Room downstairs – see map

 Cost: $30 including GST (for quality 3 Course Hot Roast Dinner and meeting)

        $20 including GST for Meeting Only (Meeting commences approx 7:30pm and concludes 9:45pm to 10:00pm)

Annual Cumberland Group Membership is now due for those who didn't join at the previous meeting – $5, alternatively pay non-members surcharge of $5

Free membership and dinner/meeting for current UNSW surveying students – booking essential

  CPD Points assessed at 2 Risk Management Points

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